Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Ren Rutledge Thoughts And Concerns

I am looking for people who are on the same page that I am on in the work of God. Being on the same page does not necessarily mean that we agree about everything, but it has more to do with the fact that we are trying to humble ourselves in a sincere effort to please God regardless of the cost or circumstances in our lives. I am seeking for a unity of the faith that I read about in the Bible that causes people to get up from where they are and join a multitude following Jesus one step at a time realizing that the one who started us out with love, truth and healing is able to take us all the way from where we are as individuals to an eternal joy that is prepared for all who will continue all the way to his throne.

I am going to write an on-going blog that will get very large as I continue adding to it. Please prayerfully read my thoughts and ask yourself if you may be having similar thoughts and concerns. For many years I have carried burdens and concerns for longing souls around this world, and I have found myself frustrated and feeling helpless as I have witnessed the unacceptable behavior and lack of prayer and concern in so called Christianity as we know it today.

There is a place for comments here, and I would love for you to write your thoughts and concerns as we move forward. Please feel free to take your liberty and use the comment section as often as you please. The world is looking for answers, and we know Jesus is the answer. Our lack of ability to obey the Lord during this time of opportunity cannot be justified, and most of us "Christians" are standing before God with no good reason to be called by his name.

I took another look at the Word of God today and found some things that are still written, even though they seem to have been pushed aside by many of my friends who have taught me about God for years. Here is something I found that may seem strange to some people who call themselves Christians today. "LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF..." Wow! Is that still in the Bible? For Heaven's sake who in creation is this person giving out such advice as that in the 21st century?

The same person also said "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you..." Can you believe this?

What about this? One of his followers said "Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, but have not love, it profits me nothing.

Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love never fails. But whether there are prophecies, they will fail; whether there are tongues, they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will vanish away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part will be done away.

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things. For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

Some of you are probably ready to ask, "Brother Rutledge where is all this coming from and where are you going with this?" My answer is this. I am coming from a long rough road filled with words of truth coming from pulpits around the world and manifested hatred coming from the same lips that were standing in those pulpits preaching Truth. I am coming from a road where my so called friends have been caught hugging and saying I Love You to a brother only to stab that brother in the back with words to another person a few minutes later. I am coming from a pathway where I have seen people disfellowshipped because of believing one way or another about clothes, hair, prophecy, wine, grapejuice, marriage and divorce, television, internet, medicine, finger rings, toeless shoes, hats on women, no hats on women, trim, cut, don't cut, no make up, some make up, pluck, don't pluck, women preachers, no women preacher, rock gospel, country gospel, southern gospel, contemporary christian, devil music, facial hair, no facial hair, revelation of the man of sin, mark of the beast, endtime generation, fishing on sunday, working on sunday, worshipping on Saturday rather than Sunday, pretrib, midtrib, posttrib, latter rain, spiritual communion, foot washing, when is the blood applied, division over baptism words, Lord Jesus, Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus, Jesus Christ. etc 1000 times and more etc...

I am coming from watching silly teachers with no ability to teach in Churches teaching Sunday School classes because the ignorant teacher with no ability can pay good tithes and offerings. There have been times when I have witnessed preachers being installed by district officials into local Churches as pastor regardless of the vote of the faithful as the official worked behind closed doors and with telephone calls to certain members who had always been trouble makers and unfaithful resulting in a big surprise for everybody else. The official had to get the man he wanted regardless of how many lies had to be told or what he would have to do because of a viewpoint on some issue that he shared with some unknown organizational puppet.

I come from a straight and narrow road where it is easy to see what is going on in the valley next to the straight road. On that crooked path that I am observing next to the straight road I am looking at a plastic multitude filled with self appointed and elected big shots ruling over people of God and playing games with their lives. I have watched crooks for several decades as they followed worldly examples of politics and propaganda telling lies and making up things to discredit people who were sincerily living for God. Nothing including sinning will stop them from doing whatever it takes to gain position or elect a friend while they continue to take a stand for a "standard of holiness" and cast out anybody that does not agree with them. I have listened to the words "Bless God" and recognized it to be praise some times and swearing at other times by people who claim to love God.

Where Is Brother Rutledge going?

I am going to the same place that God prepared for me when he first came into my life and started me on this trip. As far as I know I am in good standing with all organizations I have ever worked with and with many independant ministries around the world, but my spirit is deeply troubled and concerned for souls who witness our ugly attitudes and mistreatment of one another over silly issues every day. They are watching us in our communities and on the internet as we split hairs about what we want to call our standards and fight about what some allow and others do not allow. There is no place in many of our Churches for sinners to find God. We are too busy fighting and we simply do not have time for any real issue such as a real sinner needing a real God to mess up our agenda. God has been left in the streets while we have settled down into a "Our United Club" mentality. If a sinner finally discovers the real love of God in our Churches he or she will have to make up their minds quickly which side they are on concerning some issue and which group they want to fellowship with. Even if God has cleansed them from all sins like they were told would happen when they were being baptized, they soon learn that Church people only forgive depending on what sins they were, and if you don't line up quickly to the hang ups and preferences of the side that can cast the most votes in the next business meeting you will be treated like dirt in just a few days.

It is easy to get caught up in the wonderful moments of choirs singing, the chosen few popular entertainers preaching, and people rejoicing once a year at conferences and think that we are all set and God is smiling upon all that we have done. When I read the word of God and look at what is going on I am not seeing in our world today the examples that caused the deciples to be called Christians in the Book of Acts, but I am seeing hatred, greed, carnal answers to spiritual questions, organized systems depending on systems and ignoring God as they forbid fellowship to some people who are being blessed by God. I am a witness to the fact that some of my holier than thou friends are holding the truth in unrighteousness. I have spent years observing people as they pray about certain issues and needs, and I have seen how some of them were so determined that the answer from the Lord must be what they wanted it to be or it could not be God. I have also noticed that some people are so full of gossip and slander that they cannot wait to get to the prayer meeting so they can call on God real loud with all the latest news about brother John and sister Sue so everybody can hear what they are praying about since it involves the terrible thing that the busy body has been on the phone talking about all day.

I am watching with great sadness and concern as millions of dollars are spent on gyms and family centers and large buildings to show the world that we can do it too, while starving people around the world helpless and hopeless will never hear from us because they will starve naturally and spiritually before we get through with our next project.

Is Brother Rutledge discouraged? NO!
Is Brother Rutledge Bitter? NO!
Is Brother Rutledge afraid of what anybody might do or say if he rocks the boat?

What if Brother Rutledge gets disfellowshipped? That is impossible. Bro Rutledge walks in the light as He is in the light and the fellowship enjoyed by Brother Rutledge is with people who Love God and Love Brother Rutledge. The others are lost in darkness and there is no fellowship there for Brother Rutledge.

What if they take away your fellowship card? What is a fellowship card?

Brother Rutledge has carried several cards from several groups. Thousands of dollars are spent to keep them current. I can honestly say this. All I have ever used an organizational card for that I spent hundreds of dollars to maintain was to unlock the door to the bathroom. Now I can't even do that, because they changed it from plastic to paper. That little paper just comes and goes every year like a paper airplane. No card or lack of a card has ever stood between the work of God in my life and the fellowship with God's people around this world.

Is this something new brother Rutledge?

No! This is not something new. I have taken this stand since the first day I surrendered my life and my will to the call of God 40 years ago. Many times during those years I have expressed these concerns in church board and district board meetings behind closed doors with with others who agreed with me in secret, and in conversations with minister friends while walking across camp grounds and sitting in the lobbies and restaurants at conferences. I have been told by some to keep my mouth shut in public and only speak about these things in secret closed meetings. I have been warned by some that people in strong positions will stand against me and ruin my reputation if I ever take this stand in public. Some have even said if I ever let it be known that they agree with me, they will say that it is all lies.

I know that there are many Godly leaders in important positions in various organizations doing all they can fully submitted to the will and the cause of Christ. Please do not think I am referring to all leaders in organized systems when I speak out or write about thugs of corruption in leadership positions. Not all leaders are like that, but it only takes a few with a loud mouth to cause millions of sincere hearts to be broken as we continue forward like sheep following one another trying to please our great shepherd. Anybody that has been working in these systems of man for a long period of time will know exactly what I am writing about, and will agree with me even if they do not want to admit it. Those who are guilty of corruption and spiritual wickedness in high positions may not have a clue about anything I write about, because they are blind and walking in darkness.

I will never forget that board meeting 38 years ago when I had applied to be a licensed minister in an organized system. I was sitting between two preachers on that board that I had recently visited. While in their homes I had watched tv with them, and they were sitting on that district board claiming to be against preachers having a television and asking me if I would take a stand against tv. The great question that could make a difference was being asked..."So brother Rutledge, what is your stand on television? I simply answered, I have recently watched television with some of you in your homes. As one of my old friends was kicking me under the table they accepted me 100 percent.

God has placed a love in my heart for all who have made a decision to follow Jesus, and I also am finding renewed love and concern for those who are guilty of organizational and independant spiritual and verbal abuse, spiritual abortion, and spiritual manslaughter. I am available to be your friend and work with you in an effort to help you to find healing for your soul. I also love all of the mafia mindset thugs who think God cannot save anybody without checking with them first. I am praying that God will deliver all of you from the evil that has captured your hearts and help you to come to an understanding that you have not been chosen by the Lord to be the godfather of the church mob. If you are of that mind set the first thing I would suggest that you shoud do today is resign from any position you hold and humble yourself under the mighty hand of God. Then feel free to call me, because I want to have fellowship with you and enjoy the wonderful blessings with you as God smiles in your direction.

This is not a new thing, and there are many in several man made systems and in independant ministries who agree with everything I am writing. Some of my friends may be afraid to let it be known that they agree with everything I am writing, and that is ok. I am happy to speak on their behalf while they seek to gain strength and courage.

God does not save organizations, nor does he save independant ministries. God saves people. Systems of man (independant or organized) do not have a soul, and sometimes we learn that systems can and do become corrupt. If everybody in all the systems were true Christians we would all be in the same organized body having fellowship with all the people of God everywhere with no division.

Brother Rutledge is very happy and content in the work of God, and I love everybody including the Catholics, Protestants, Jews, and even the Pentecostals including tv watchers who preach against watching tv, those that have been married 12 or 15 times, and even those who require tithes but never pay tithes.

In my humble opinion an unknown Christian in a secluded village somewhere on the other side of the world has more power with God than all systems of man combined.

I firmly believe many leaders in the organized systems are true Christians sincerely praying and seeking for wisdom as they make decisions concerning the various districts and the overall work of the ministry in general. Millions in organized systems as well as millions who are not part of any system are standing strong in the power of God today and doing exploits for the cause of Jesus in this sin sick world.

This blog is a stand FOR the true people of the kingdom of God and AGAINST the ungodliness of UNHOLY THUGS that have entered into high places of leadership in systems that started out good. Today there are millions of sincere people trapped in some of these systems where even the top leader of the system is trying to be god just like the idiot that God had to cast down long before we arrived. I have no doubt at all that God has a people for his name's sake serving God in the beauty of holiness within the very systems I am writing about. Nothing I write in this blog is against those who are sincerely serving God in any system or independant work. The strong words are only pointed toward the ungodly sinners trying to rule over God's heritage. If you are sincerely doing your best to honestly serve the Lord whether in a high position in an organization or sitting somewhere feeling like your are just a number in the crowd, just raise your hands and say..."Whew... Praise The Lord, I'm glad none of those words were against me!"

To those who may be reading quickly through this blog and and only paying attention to a few words here and there, you may misunderstand my motives and you may have a wrong opinion about my purpose for all these words. If you plan to tell others what this was all about, please start all over and read the whole blog so you will know what you are talking about.

Some of you may want to know why I am looking for some folks who may be like minded and on the same page.

Well here is my reason. After much prayer I have suddenly found myself filled with renewed desire to go after hungry souls with the truth and with love and concern. I have a burning desire to win as many people as I can possibly win to the Lord from now until I die, and I can clearly see the direction that has been dropped into my spirit by the Lord of Heaven. For the past 26 years I have been up here in Connecticut enjoying the work of God with a handful of faithful servants of the Lord, and I have been very happy during these years. I plan to continue to do this work, but I believe the work is going to suddenly grow to hundreds of souls serving God in the near future while at the same time I have a burning desire to invite others to come and enjoy this with us. I do not want to invite thugs to come up here and preach for us during this wonderful time of surrender to the leading of the Spirit of God. With this blog and in prayer I am feeling after the hearts of people who may be reading these words, and I hope to find a few who are really wanting to be used of God in a mighty way without regard to what others may think or say. I also am preparing to spend some time each month Lord willing moving around the country speaking and singing in various Churches where people invite me to come. There is absolutly no interest on my part in wasting time with carnal minded preachers who are lonely for friendship, nor is there an interest in listening to any trash talk about who messed up or left the faith.

Please feel free to invite me to preach and testify in places where sincere hearts are praying for a move of God and sincerely interested in presenting the truth with the love of God to the lost people in your community.

It does not matter to me where the invitations come. I am happy to preach sing and testify in any type of religious gathering for any type of Church regardless of denomination. My heart longs to preach for the Baptist Church, Assembly of God, Methodist, Catholic, Seventh Day Adventist, Morman, Jahovah Witness, Muslim, Church Of Christ, Church of God, Pentecostal, Apostolic and all others ... It just does not matter to me what you call yourself or who you may have papers with. Organized systems or independant makes no difference in any way. I want to visit you and hear your testimonies about what God has done in your life and share my joy and burden with you and your congregation. If you have a small struggling store front mission and cannot afford to raise an offering but have an interest in souls, I will gladly bring an offering to you and enjoy fellowship with you and your congregation as we reach out to sinners who need an opportunity to be invited to the real God. The size of the congregation large or small does not matter.

Those who have a good spirit in the various organized systems will work with us. We are not required to be under any thumb of any silly carnal minded board anywhere. The people of God are free to do exploits, and nobody has a right to rule over that. Doors opened by God will never be closed by any man, beast or devil that does not like the idea of freedom in Christ accountable only to God and his people.

If you are out there somewhere in the world and find that you may feel that you are like minded and on the same page that I am on with all these words, please contact me as soon as possible.

I will be limited on how many invitations I can accept because of time restraints. We can pray about it and do all I can to spend some time with you. Who knows? I may feel led to have you come here before I come there. If you are not burdened for the lost please don't invite me, and do not invite yourself to come here. Even if you have thousands of dollars to give in an offering, I am not interested in wasting my time where there is no concern for the lost.

I prefer to start off our conversations with email, and later I will be happy to give you my private phone number if we are on the same page.

Who knows what God will do as we allow the doors of friendship, good communications and our common concerns for those who are hurting to be opened by the hand of our Savior and healer?

Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. Romans 12:9

Please Email me and include your telephone number if you are interested in having a telephone conversation. Email Ren Rutledge

God bless
Ren Rutledge

Here are links to some recent blogs that may also be a help to you.






  1. Brother Rutledge . Something tells me you are about to open a can of worms that may well not be so popular to some . I say this ... PREACH ON BROTHER PREACH ON TO THE SAVING OF SOULS .

    May I add a quick thought I posted on my Facebook page today .

    Quote " WE LEAD BY EXAMPLE and by example alone . We are all leaders . I simply ask ... by what method , and to where , are we leading who ? " unquote .

    Rev. Wes Daniel Apostolic 24/7/365

  2. Amen Brother Daniel. It is already a door that has been opened by the Lord, and I have nothing to lose when the so called Christians turn against me like they have already turned against God. Hang on and watch God do a great work. We love you. God bless.

  3. Jesus Himself said he could raise up even these stones unto Abraham . Man , would I like to see some of that .

  4. My dear brother, I could not agree more! How many souls are lost by the hardshell holiness standard bearers? How many are turned away from the cross, by the pentecostal fruit inspectors that expect others to be just like them? How many people go to church week in and week out- hurting and dying on the inside? Yet, they can't reach God because of the false teachings that "only sinners go to the altar! It is high time that we ALL, myself included, learn to really let go and let God! We MUST decrease and he MUST increase! I, for one, am tired of "churchianity"! Church is not a building! Church is the body of born again believers in Jesus! Pure and simple. We are not to rule one another, but we are to work together, pray together, fast together, lift each other up when we're weak- always pointing sinners and saints alike to the cross. All roads lead to calvary. All sins can be washed and forgiven in his blood. The Gospel is for all people, at all times, and in all situations! God bless you, brother!

  5. Amen Brother Winskie. Thanks so much for those words. I couldn't have said it better. Happy New Year to you and your family.

  6. UH ... UH .. I am curious if the remark about " Hardshell Holiness bearers " is in refernce to those of us who preach the fulness of the commandments of God by teaching his will . It runs well past Acts 2:38 to endure and to know His will and wisdom . I hope this isn't going the way og dropping the commandments of God regarding lifestyle after death burial and ressurection . I hope not .

  7. Teach, I have no problem with living a biblical lifestyle. My problem is a) some (not all) of our "standards" are not biblical but are, rather, traditions that were started by well meaning folk. These people added extra fences to the Bible in order to keep the "sheep" safe. The problem is, as Adam found out in the garden, when we add extra stipulations, no matter how well intentioned we may be, we ADD TO THE WORD OF GOD and open the door for our enemy to come in and reek havic! God had not told Adam that they could not touch the tree, but Adam added that part (we know because God spoke the command to Adam, but not, in scripture, to Eve), probably to keep his wife safe. This, gave the devil the opening he needed to trick Eve. I'll give you only one example. In the 60's, with the rise of the Hippies, facial hair (along with long hair) became a sign of the rebellion of the young people of the time. So as not to be associated with the radicals, many Apostolic preachers began to tell the men of their churches to shave. (Many of the 20th century Apostolic Fathers had beards and mustaches. Jesus had a beard. The law even gives the Jews instructions abound not rounding the corners of their beards). Over time, this somehow became a church "standard" and in many cases, men are considered sinful if they have a little facial hair. Don't get me wrong. If a man wishes to stay clean shaven every day, that's perfectly fine. The problem arises when we raise that "standard" to the level of scripture and tell folks their sinning if they have a beard- their not. Those who teach facial hair is a sin are guilty of adding to the word of God. That's my point. Our standards (I won't even get into the true biblical meaning of that word) need to be biblically based AND taught, but not forced as a condition of fellowship. We're supposed to help catch them and help teach them, but God does the cleaning as that person is willing to surrender in each area. God bless!

  8. Happy is the man that condemns NOT himself with the things which HE ALLOWS is all the time I am giving such a discertation of nonsense . And with such authority too . LOL

  9. Winskie ,

    One more thing . Here are a couple of links to a guy you'd enjoy fellowhsip with . The same spirit got him .

  10. Let me get this straight, Daniel. You're telling me that because I choose to "test the spirits and see whether they be of God" and I choose to take a stand of searching the scriptures for my answers instead of blindly listening to religion, I'm practicing and teaching nonsense? Please show me ONE scripture that gives us preachers the right or responsibility to run another man's home. Please show me even one scripture that says anything even close. Brother, I have no problem with a biblical standard of living. Contrary to what seems to be your esteemed opinion, I have NOT thrown out the baby with the bath water. For that matter, please show me where even 1 thing that I wrote above is wrong. If you do not wish to do it here on this semi-public forum, then email me at May God grant us all wisdom!

  11. I'm so thankful that God has set me free from all your legalistic and man made beliefs. Thank you Lord Jesus for giving me the opportunity to know the real you, not the you I was introduced to as a child. Forgive me for the way I so misunderstood you before. Gentlemen........ I wonder how many OTHER souls are out there that you mislead with your man made religions.
    It does not suprise me that even among yourselfs, there is confusion , and UNITY ? UNITED ? Again.... thank your Lord.. I will follow you only !!

  12. Very intersting conversations. Keep them coming. People with good spirits can learn from one another. God bless you all.

  13. Well, mercy me !! I had a nice long post written out .... out of Love may I add, and my electric flashed off and back on causing me lose it all. Will have to come back to you later on this.. haha
    I'm too slow at typing and forgot half of what I said anyway...
    By the way.... I saw your mom a few weeks ago.... she is still the same sweet person I remembered her being when I visited their church years ago in Pine Bluff.

    God Bless you too Bro Rutledge.

  14. It is really great to see you sister Linda.

  15. Now a days it is an easier way to connect through people.They can have their own community, likes people etc through online.looking for like minded people
